Changing direction
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Changing direction

It's easy to stay stuck in the decisions of our past or the previous versions of ourselves, even when they don't quite fit anymore. This week, we're talking about why it's okay to change course, to try something new and to reinvent yourself... as often as you like.

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Finding home
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Finding home

What makes home? Is it a place, certain people, the connection we experience with ourselves? How can we define (or redefine) home in a way that serves us, and how can we balance the desire to wander and explore with the urge to have a home base? This is what we're exploring in this week's post!

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Coming up for air
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Coming up for air

As we navigate life's challenges and complexities, we must also remember to prioritize things that feel fun, lighthearted and easeful. This week we look at what it means to come up for air when things feel heavy or we find ourselves deep in the work.

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Travel & personal growth: an interview with Authority Magazine
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Travel & personal growth: an interview with Authority Magazine

In a recent interview with Authority Magazine, I dive into how travel impacts our personal growth. Little did I know how much completing the interview would impact my own. In this week’s blog, I’m sharing more on my experience and the tips I left for Authority Magazine’s readers on how to get more out of their travel.

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Keep showing up
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Keep showing up

Sometimes showing up is hard. Doubts, fear or lack of motivation can keep us from showing up for ourselves, our people, our art and our dreams. And it’s often when we feel discouraged or disconnected that we need to show up the most.

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Self-care & travel
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Self-care & travel

Self-care is essential everyday, but particularly as we venture to new places. Travel can bring with it lots of beauty and transformation, but also weariness, loneliness and overwhelm. Pausing to consider your needs and care for yourself accordingly is important for sustained well-being. Read to learn more on the importance of self-care during travel.

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Reflections from a travel imposter
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Reflections from a travel imposter

Does having traveled make us “real” travelers? What’s the criteria for claiming this title? Read to learn how imposter syndrome keeps us doubting our true selves and what we have to offer, and how we can work to keep it in check.

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Assessing our travel impact
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Assessing our travel impact

It’s easy to visit a new place, tick off the most popular sites and restaurants, snap some photos and call it a day. But how often do we leave a place and pause to really reflect on the impact it had on us? How often do we leave a place and reflect on the impact we had on it? Read to learn more on how we can check in to assess these important questions.

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Redefining success: lessons learned from life and travel
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

Redefining success: lessons learned from life and travel

Travel helps us question the things we think we know — including what it means to be successful. As we gather more examples of fulfilled living, we can redefine what it means for our own lives. Check out this week’s blog post for examples of what this can look like and how you can begin to do this for yourself.

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How travel helps us let go
Tiffany Musick Tiffany Musick

How travel helps us let go

Travel challenges what we think we know... about other people, about the world, about ourselves. And, if we will allow it to, travel can help us release what doesn't serve us and claim more of what does. Check out this week’s post on how travel helps teach us the art of letting go.

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