• Travel coaching is a resource to help you travel more intentionally and experience meaningful transformation as a result. A coach can help you connect with your why behind traveling, challenge what may be holding you back from pursuing your travel dreams, and consider how to plan a trip that aligns with your goals, among other things.

  • While a travel agent’s primary focus is planning and logistics, a travel coach’s primary focus is intention and transformation. A travel coach is a resource to help with mental, emotional and/or spiritual preparation and can help with clarifying your underlying reason(s) for travel so that you can plan more intentionally and travel with greater presence.

  • At Compass, we don’t book your travel, but can certainly brainstorm and explore travel ideas along with you, as well as provide accountability during the trip planning process. We have found that as we consider what it is you really want to get out of your trip, it often helps clarify logistics.

  • If you feel called to travel, are seeking personal transformation and think you may benefit from having someone walk alongside you throughout the process, travel coaching may be a good fit. To help ensure that coaching would be helpful, we offer a free 30-minute consultation.

  • During the consultation, we will get to know one another a bit and discuss what is drawing you toward coaching, as well as any specific goals you may have in mind. We can also answer any questions and talk in more depth about our approach. We want to ensure that both parties feel good about the coaching agreement before moving forward.

  • Pricing fluctuates depending on how many sessions you would like. If you are unsure how many sessions would be best, we can explore this in the free consultation call as we discuss what your goals are and what you’re seeking out of coaching. For an idea on pricing, please visit our Services page.

  • We believe that women in particular are feeling more called and empowered to travel than ever before, and we’re here for it! We wholeheartedly support women living their travel dreams and are thrilled to be a part of this exciting movement.

    That being said, we ultimately believe travel is for everyone. At Compass, we are honored to coach all people, regardless of how you identify.

  • Not at all! Travel can be across an ocean, a continent, or a dateline. But it can also happen a lot closer to home. There are ample opportunities to explore, meet new people, experience different ways of thinking and transform from the inside out all within your country’s borders.

  • Nope! Whether you’re looking for relaxation, a spiritual awakening, adventure, a bit of everything, or something else entirely, we believe coaching can help. If you’re seeking to go somewhere new, try something different, and experience personal connection and transformation in the process, we want to hear from you!

  • We do! Are you planning a girls’ trip? A couples’ getaway? A reunion? Do it with intention! What is the goal of the trip? To relax and disconnect? To reconnect? To embark on a new adventure? Clarifying the goal of a group trip and navigating group dynamics, personalities and preferences can be tricky. Let us help! If you’re interested in group coaching, please reach out, and we can help create a package to best serve you and your travel buddies.