
Hello and welcome! My name is Tiffany. I’m an ICF-certified coach, a lover of stories (listening to them and telling them), a travel enthusiast, and the founder of Compass Travel Coaching. I’m so thrilled that you stopped by! As this is my first blog post, I thought it would make sense to take some time to explain what I envision for this space.

First, we will examine travel. This may seem rather obvious, but let me explain. We won’t be looking so much at the logistical parts of travel, the tips and tricks and how to’s (although we may touch on those from time to time), but rather the things that make travel so impactful and transformative; the things it surfaces and brings to light; the magnificence and depth that comes with living a life of curiosity and exploration, whether that's across the globe or in your own backyard. 

We will look at travel as the multifaceted endeavor that it is – the benefits, the challenges, the trends and research, the beauty and pain we experience along the way – and how coaching plays a part in doing all this traveling more intentionally. We will look at the heart of travel. And mind you, we’re all travelers in this life. We’re traveling through space and time, traveling both outwardly and inwardly, traveling to and through new situations, relationships, opportunities and learning. We’re always moving – physically, energetically, emotionally – from one place to another.. And this movement is travel.

In our exploration of travel, we'll also look at the human experience more broadly, in all its wonder and complexity. I have found that travel tends to amplify my awareness and understanding of the human experience. It brings me face to face with not only what it means to be human, but how we are all so deeply and inextricably connected in this wonderful and confusing existence. So as I have moments of new awareness, reflection and even confrontation related to my own human experience, I'll do my best to share those openly and honestly, along with any resources and insights I find along the way, 

I hope you will come along for the journey. I hope you find something here that feels useful and inspiring. Most of all, I hope what you read here invites more questions, opportunities for reflection and a desire to challenge yourself in new ways. 

In the meantime, if you would like to learn a little more about me and my story, read more here.

Happy traveling!



What is intentional travel?